Home Makeover in Rathfarnham

Home Makeover in Rathfarnham

Insurance Work completed in Rathfarnham
Leak from shower in en-suite resulted in a full renovation of the en-suite. The client requested a full renovation of the main bathroom as add on to the insurance claim.
For the full en-suite renovation the bathroom fixtures were stripped out, all new plumbing and electrics installed, new tiles and fixtures installed. There was water damage caused to the ceiling downstairs. The dining room and sitting room ceilings were slabbed and plastered. We also installed new coving in the sitting room and dinning room. We removed and replaced solid oak floors and skirtings in the hall, sitting room and dinning room. To complete the job there was a complete redecoration of the walls, ceilings and woodwork in sitting room, dinning room and hall stairs/landing.
As always the job was finished to a high standard and the stress of dealing with the insurance company was left on our shoulders.


24 November 2017


Bathroom Renovation, Home Makeover